Brentford FC Community Sports Trust are looking to recruit a part-time Part-Time Football and Multi-Sports Coach. The role involves providing sports coaching sessions to children, young people and adults. The post holder needs to be flexible and will work irregular hours (including evenings and weekends) given the nature of the role.

The successful candidate will deliver a variety of sports sessions professionally and with the flexibility to ensure all participants are offered coaching at a level appropriate to their ability and support needs. They will also be expected to lead on the delivery and coordination of a brand-new Saturday morning multi-sport programme for the Trust. A minimum of a Level Two or above sports coaching qualification is required.

This is a part-time position, working a minimum of 15 hours per week during school term time only. There will also be the opportunity to work additional hours beyond the terms of the contract. Full information can be seen at BFCCST JD Part Time Multi Sports Coach.pdf.