Launch of #BeeatHome video

The Trust launched their #BeeatHome video – highlighting the impact in our local communities over the past two months. You can watch the video here.

ITV London News and BBC Radio London highlight the impact of Trust activity packs

ITV London News covered the impact of the activity packs at Brentford Towers estate and one lucky participant received a Zoom call from Brentford player Ollie Watkins. You can watch the coverage here. Luke Skelhorn, Brentford FC Community Sports Trust Operations Director, was also interviewed on BBC Radio London about the initiative, you can listen to the interview here.

The Trust launch a new #BeeWell campaign with Brentford FC’s stadium builders EcoWorld

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust have launched its #BeeWell campaign, which aims to support children and adults with their physical and mental wellbeing. With a recent survey highlighting how young people’s mental health has worsened since the Covid-19 crisis, the campaign aims to offer an array of online activities to support adults and young people during the crisis. The campaign is being supported by EcoWorld London, the Principal Partner of Brentford FC.

Read more here.

Brentford players offer much-needed respite to young people during the lockdown

Whether it was Ollie Watkins chatting to Brentford fan Callum about his activity pack, or Ethan Pinnock offering his pearls of wisdom to budding young footballers on our post-16 education programme, our Brentford players have helped enhance our online activities.

Read more here about what they have been up to. You can also watch the videos here.

Hundreds of school pupils took part in the virtual Joy of Moving festival

School pupils across west London took part in the virtual Joy of Moving festival with the English Football League Trust. The Home School Festival involved 72 other EFL Trust community organisations offered children and families an afternoon of movement and fun with different games and activities to choose from. Read more here.