Do you love writing? Is it something you see yourself doing for a career? Are there words, stories, poems and opinions in your imagination that you can’t wait to get down on paper? Do you want to be an inspiration - and a voice - for other teens all over the country? If you said yes, then you can take part in the National Citizen Service (NCS) Writer’s Club Competition!

Brentford FC Community Sports Trust engages thousands of young people aged 16 and 17, delivering NCS, programme funded by the Government. This is replicated by other community organisations across the country. And this Spring there is a competition for those who have writing skills.

NCS are looking for new writers to join the Writer's Club, contributing regular pieces on topics that mean something to you. This could be mental health, race and gender equality, climate change, books and movies, wellbeing, life hacks, friendships, body confidence...or anything else that gets your creative wheels in motion! Anyone aged 15 to 24-years-old can enter.

If you’re a winner, you’ll be in the Writer’s Club for (a minimum of) a year, where you’ll write consistent content, published on the NCS website and social channels. But wait, there’s more! You’ll also get to take part in TWO copywriting events hosted by professionals in the industry to help make your writing shine and be the best it can be.

There is also potential for you to work with NCS partners on collaborative pieces of content. You’ll feel like part of the team and, at the end of the year, to commemorate all the work you’ve done, you’ll receive a designed portfolio full of your pieces to use when you apply for jobs. This experience will be invaluable for your journey as a writer, and show the organisations that you apply for that you’ve got what they’re looking for! See more here.

Throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, young people on NCS with EFL Trust have been at the forefront to support their local community. Some of the work done in our local area can be seen here. Through the English Football League Trust, over 1.8 million hours of voluntary work has been delivered addressing local and national issues which young people are passionate about such as mental health, the environment and plastic waste. In partnership with EFL Trust, Brentford FC Community Sports Trust won the contract to deliver NCS from 2020 onwards joining 65 delivery partners that will be managed by EFL Trust. For more information, please email the Trust's NCS Manager at [email protected].