As part of the ongoing partnership between the EFL and Mind, the mental health charity, some tips have been supplied to keep your mental health in the best condition as the country starts to open up again. The EFL and Mind celebrated the two year anniversary of their ‘On Your Side’ partnership earlier this season. The partnership, which has been extended until at least the end of season 2021/22, was established in 2018 to raise awareness of mental health amongst fans and the wider public, help raise funds for Mind to deliver life changing services and improve the approach to mental health in the EFL and clubs.

There was a further lifting of restrictions on movement and gathering last week. This meant football fans could return to stadiums and people could meet indoors. But Mind is aware that this may be difficult for some.

For more information on the EFL and Mind’s charity partnership visit about-the-efl/official-charity/. If you need support from Mind visit for information and advice. You can also talk to Mind via the confidential Infoline on 0300 123 3393 or text 86463.