A charity that looks out for disabled football fans has launched a new podcast. Level Playing Field is a registered charity in England and Wales and acts as a campaigning and advisory organisation to its membership and other parties across all sports. The charity believes that being a disabled person is a social issue and that an individual only becomes disabled because of the social, attitudinal and environmental barriers that the individual faces.

Earlier this year, Level Playing Field has launched ‘Talking Sport’, a new outreach initiative led by the Fans Liaison team. And the next stage of saying in touch is a new podcast. The first episode has a focus on the subject matter of the Covid-19 Pandemic and how it has affected the sporting community on and off the field.

While some are going about life as normal, a large majority of disabled people are continuing to shield in their homes, isolating themselves from the rest of their local community. Disabled people have stated that their well-being has been affected by feeling lonely and isolated during the Covid-19 outbreak according to ‘Office For National Statistics.’ To listen to the podcast and read more about it, click here.