Brentford Penguins were set-up by former Brentford winger Allan Cockram and is open to people with Down's Syndrome in West London aged eight to 30 who want to play football and enjoy themselves while getting some exercise. Allan spent four years with The Bees and was part of the team which reached the 1988/89 FA Cup Sixth Round, playing seven times during that run. The former-winger had been coaching in the USA but returned home a few years ago and was inspired to create Brentford Penguins FC by the death from Down’s Syndrome of his best friend’s son.

To mark World Down Syndrome Day earlier this month, Charlie, the Brentford Penguins captain, wrote a special blog. He shared his feelings about playing for the team and what he enjoys with DSActive, a programme run by the Down’s Syndrome Association. The programme shares activities for people with Down's Syndrome and the blog can be seen here. It was also shared on Twitter by former Wales international goalkeeper Neville Southall.

You can follow the progress of the Brentford Penguins on Twitter and on their website here. As part of our marking of World Down Syndrome Day we shared the story of employee Anthony Talbot and supporter Woody. See more here.