Over 116 years, approximately 3,000 games and more than 1,000 Brentford players have graced the Griffin Park pitch. Today will be the last time it happens and the media have been taking a close interest. Journalists have been talking to fans and staff and preparing for the last time The Bees are on the Griffin Park turf.

Brentford matchday announcer Peter Gilham, the longest serving in his field, wrote a piece for iNews. He explained how he is working at matches without fans and outlined his joy that games behind closed doors still needed announcers. Read Peter's thoughts here.

iNews also visited Brentford to talk to discuss the famous pubs on every corner of our old stadium. You can read that piece here.

The Evening Standard went in to a little more depth about the history of the stadium. They also spoke to fans about their memories. Read that here. A piece from the Daily Telegraph can be seen here.

The BBC went even further. A long read piece here included conversations with fans and a look at the history of the stadium. They even spoke to Councillor Steve Curran, the Hounslow Council leader who lives nearby.

Matthew Syed, of The Times, is a regular visitor to Griffin Park. His father in law features a lot in his pieces about The Bees. On the day of the last game he has again, for subscribers, written about the Club. That can be read here.

And it is not just the written media getting on the story. The Club welcomed BBC and Sky cameras to Griffin Park yesterday for fans to tell their story. The BBC piece can be seen below while the Sky piece will appear in their live coverage of today's match.

BBC Radio 5Live caught up with fans on their breakfast show this morning:

There will be more content appearing through the day so keep an eye out for the coverage of The Bees.