Brentford fan Jennie Sibley never knew that her football club could offer her the support she needed during the lockdown – especially when she first found the lockdown a daunting experience.

“We did not know much about the virus and being over 70 I was aware that if I caught Covid-19 it may be quite or very serious for me.  I have usually gone out most days so being restricted within the confines of my home was alien to me,” Jennie said.

Yet the Trust’s Pilates, Yoga and chair-based exercises classes proved a welcome distraction during the Covid-19 crisis and ensured Jennie stayed healthy at home.

“My regular exercise classes had been cancelled due to lockdown (I do these with Age UK, and Hounslow over 60s programme),” Jennie explained. “But I saw an advert in Brentford FC’s newsletter for the online health and fitness classes.”

Back in March – at the height of the government’s lockdown – the Trust launched its #BeeatHome campaign that encouraged to children and adults to remain active within their homes. Our online fitness classes are delivered in partnership with Hounslow Council, and include yoga, Pilates, Bootcamp and Boxercise, ensured adults across the borough of Hounslow could still remain active. And Jennie has certainly been impressed with the quality of teaching she has received from the classes.

She said: “Each teacher I have tuned into seems to be at the top of their game: very clear with instructions, clear demonstration of exercise, clear explanation of what/why we are doing an exercise.  They all seem to have been very thoughtful and empathetic teachers. I have enjoyed every class I have been to and had the satisfaction of knowing I am investing in my health for now and the future.”

Jennie hasn’t been the only Hounslow resident who has benefited from the health classes during this period: roughly 100 local adults have been benefiting from these classes every week. The Trust is still running classes online, email [email protected] for more information.