Brighton and Hove Albion fans will be making the trip to West London today, but one Bees fan will be making the opposite journey for a very special reason. The Bees face Brighton in the Premier League today, Saturday 11 September. Less than 24 hours later the Brighton Marathon will take place and Brentford fan Richard Smith will be taking on the challenge.

He explains why:"I am running the Brighton Marathon on Sunday in order to raise awareness and money for Juvenile Arthritis, through the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society. Many people may think arthritis is just an elderly condition, but this really isn't the case. My inspiration and reason for running this marathon is my niece, Katie-Lee, who has juvenile arthritis, which has affected growth, joint movement and is painful.

"She is on multiple medications and monthly infusions. It took a long time for the health professionals to recognise this condition. I am already on the way to a decent total which would fund better equipment and research to help young people suffering from this condition.

"Please spare a few pounds and donate to my page below. Thanks to all who have already sponsored."

Richard's fund-raising page can be seen at