All at Brentford Football Club were delighted to receive a letter from the Mayor of London earlier this week. Sadiq Khan, London's Mayor, wrote from City Hall to Jon Varney, Brentford FC Chief Executive to say thank you. Mr Khan wanted to thank all at Brentford FC for the support given during the Covid-19 pandemic that has put pressure on the NHS in the past four-and-a-half months.
Mr Khan said that Brentford had assisted in London's "response to the coronavirus crisis" and support the local community. He specifically referenced the #BeeatHome campaign, the work of Brentford FC Community Sports Trust during the restrictions on movement. The full letter can be seen at Mayor of London Brentford FC letter.pdf.
When the government restricted all but essential movement across the UK in March, Brentford FC Community Sports Trust launched a #BeeatHome campaign that encouraged children and adults to stay active within their homes. The Trust delivered educational and physical activity content to children and young people in the local area while simultaneously urging people to stay at home to help save lives. The two month campaign saw people getting involved in a range of ways.
You can read more about the #BeeatHome campaign here and the Trust has now launched a #BeeWell campaign as restrictions around movement have changed. #BeeWell aims to support children and adults with their physical and mental wellbeing. With a recent survey highlighting how young people’s mental health has worsened since the Covid-19 crisis, the campaign aims to offer an array of online activities to support adults and young people during the crisis.