Held at Gunnersbury Park’s new sports hub, Brentford FC Community Sports Trust is relaunching its Mini-Bees programme for the new half term later this month.  Delivered by the Trust’s experienced football coaches, Mini Bees offers exciting football sessions at Gunnersbury Park’s new state-of-the-art facilities on Saturday mornings. And those that sign up now can win a special prize.

The sessions are for for children aged three to 12 years old and give the opportunity to play football in a fun and engaging environment. Plus, for budding gymnasts, the Trust is offering “Tumble Bees” gymnastic lessons. The new half term starts on Saturday 29 February and families can sign up now.

There is a six-week half term running with different sessions every Saturday morning. The cost for the whole half term will be £51 and those that sign up will be entered in to a prize draw. The lucky person pulled out will win a special Ollie Watkins FIFA Card signed by the striker. More information, including how to sign up, can be seen here.

The new facility at Gunnersbury Park, which boasts one of the largest outdoor sporting facilities in London, will mean local people will soon have access to a huge range of activities to help them maintain a fit and active lifestyle. Along with Mini Bees, the Trust will be offering adult and junior leagues football sessions – along with girls’ football sessions. For more information about the Mini Bees programme, please email us at [email protected].